TCM diagnoses

In Chinese medicine, diagnoses are based on, among other things, examinations of the tongue and the pulse.

The tongue reflects the various internal organs, thus allowing a clinical picture to be compiled.

The body of the tongue (whether it’s soft, broad, narrow, swollen, features teeth marks) and the coating of the tongue (whether yellow, brown, white, slimy, etc.) provide initial information regarding cold, heat, depth, surface and moisture.

Pulse diagnoses support tongue diagnoses.

In TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) there are more than 25 pulse conditions (strong, sunken, slippery, undulating, shallow, slow, etc.).

By palpating the radial pulse using the index, middle and ring fingers, diagnostic statements can be made about the health status of the patient.

Add to these the medical history of the patient and the findings of tests of hearing and smell, and a complete clinical picture can be established by traditional Chinese medicine.

On the basis of the information gathered, therapeutic interventions can be determined, and acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be incorporated into the treatment.

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